Rest Refocus Recharge


Why Slowing Down Helps Us To Speed Up

With so much uncertainty in our world added to pressures to achieve goals and objectives, traditional thinking is that we simply have to do more, more often, and it has to be done faster.

Unfortunately the physiology of our brain and body clearly shows that this leads to overwhelm and burnout. Organizations that use this approach see skyrocketing rates of mental health problems, absenteeism, and languishing teams.

However, elite performers in sports, academics and business have adopted a different approach. They have discovered that calming the mind and body unlock abilities that are blocked by stress and pressure.

Based on his ground-breaking book, Rest Refocus Recharge, Dr. Wells will explain how our brains and bodies are designed to operate in cycles of work and rest, and how we can harness the power of both to improve our health, well-being, and performance.

In this session, you will discover how you can leverage “beta” brainwave state where you can focus and execute, while shifting into “alpha” brainwave states to facilitate strategizing and learning to help potential clients see a new path forward. Innovators can enter “theta” brainwave states to be more creative and to solve problems. Ultimately high performers can also develop their ability to enter the zone for peak performance via “gamma” states. 

You'll learn how to identify the five different brain states, each with a distinct function, and how to intentionally spark these states to achieve your potential.

Drawing on the latest research in neuroscience and physiology, Dr. Wells will provide a step-by-step guide to optimizing your mental and physical health through strategic rest and recovery for you and your team.

Audiences will learn: 

  • Your brain wasn’t designed to be in constant ‘go mode’.

  • Constant work undermines your ability to perform at a high level.

  • Calming the mind unlocks learning and strategic thinking.

  • Innovation and problem solving only happens when we slow down.

  • Shifting between brain performance states elevates mental health.

This keynote or workshop is based on Dr. Wells’ best-selling book Rest, Refocus Recharge.