The Science of Sleeping Soundly


How sleeping better Sets You Up for Health, Wellbeing, Longevity and Better Leadership

Dr. Greg Wells presents a clear path towards exponential health and performance in this keynote based on his international best-selling book, The Ripple Effect. Discover how sleeping soundly more consistently can have an exponential impact on your overall health and performance.

Sleep serves as a cornerstone for brain health, and healing, repairing, and regenerative functions kick into high gear during our resting hours. Quality sleep can improve cognition, learning creativity and innovation making sleep a core practice for all who want to improve wellbeing and sustainable performance.

Drawing from his extensive background as a scientist and physiologist, Dr. Wells will guide you through the science of exponential sleep as it relates to health and performance, offering actionable insights and tactics you can use to optimize your wellbeing.

Dr. Wells will present the 7 keys to sleeping soundly, which are practices that can be installed in everyone’s daily routines and rituals to elevate the ability to rest and recharge via consistently sound sleep.

Audiences will learn:

  • The physiology of how the brain heals repairs and regenerates when we sleep

  • The 2 specific aspects of sleep that reduce mortality and extend lifespan

  • How much sleep we really need and when the brain is most likely to sleep deeply and soundly

  • What types of naps work and what type makes you feel worse and how to program these into your day and week if needed

  • The key practices that you can install in your routines to improve your sleep quality and your recovery and regeneration

  • The one habit that is the most damaging to your sleep

  • What metrics to track when using a wearable device that tracks sleep

  • The 7 keys to sleeping soundly

This presentation or workshop is based on Dr. Wells’ global best-selling book The Ripple Effect.