The Performance Protocol

The Peak Performance Protocol

For exams, races, interviews, presentations and performances

If you’re reading this then you are interested in performing at a high level in what you care about the most.

High performance is crucial because it enables you to operate at your best physical and mental capacities, whether in sports, creative pursuits, or professional settings.

Peak performance is characterized by performing at a very high level while feeling effortless, energized, and calm, with minimal distractions or and deep focus.

Many of us have experienced moments where we are “In the Zone”, but those moments are often random, and not consistently reproducible when you want to be at your best.

My objective with this Protocol that I am sharing today is to help you craft your routine and ritual that you can use before big events so that you can consistently perform to your peak potential in tasks that are meaningful to you.

Ultimately, I want to help you take the guesswork out of high performance.

This is a 36-hour protocol that you can use as a template. Change or adapt this as needed to meet your needs.

For what to eat on these 2 days you can download the Healthy Nutrition Plan here. For athletes consider this Sports Nutrition Plan.  In general, you can follow this for your meals on the days leading into your big event and on the day of the event itself. Note the 3 hours before your event has its own recommendations for food and drinks which I describe below.


Set Yourself Up for Success

People often think that the performance itself is all that matters. But really, it's the preparation for the performance that is the most important.

That means that what you do the day before your key event is critical. The day before the performance you want to make sure that you are resting, that you do a good rehearsal and that you take care of all the details to enable you to be completely focused the performance day that follows.

Here are a few things to consider in the morning, afternoon and evening on the day before your big event.


It is important to do a good workout in the morning. Ideally this is a challenging workout as you won't be doing a hard workout on performance day. A good workout in the morning will also ensure that you sleep well that night. Get up early and get this done.

Examples: The 20-minute workout, The Strength Circuit, The Cardio Circuit.

The next step is to do about 10 minutes of meditation after you finish your workout.  You can use apps like Headspace, Calm, Ten Percent Happier, or just sit and breathe for a few minutes. Just relax.

Now it's time to get hydrated. I recommend about a liter of cold water. You can add some citrus juice like lemon or lime.

Simply – practice the 3 W’s: Wake, Workout, Water.

Have a healthy breakfast, and then you can start your day.


Now it is time to get into deep focus, eliminate all distractions and to prepare and rehearse.

Take the afternoon for you. No meetings, calls, classes, or non-essential tasks.

Ensure that you clean out your to-do list as much as possible so that you don’t have to check your phone, notifications or email tomorrow. Eliminate all distractions in advance.

Do 1-3 complete rehearsals of your performance. Basically, perform with no audience. If you are in a sporting event, you can do the movements at low intensity while visualizing the intensity of race-day.

Note this can be a mental rehearsal. For example, you can sit, close your eyes, and visualize the performance in detail. The benefit of this is that you can rewind and fix errors in your mind!


The evening before the performance is all about rest, recovery, relaxation. And getting to sleep early.

Make sure to turn off your screens at. 7:00 PM at the latest.

Set your alarm for 6:00 AM and run your sleep protocol.

For example, at 9:00 PM you could do 20 minutes of journaling.

At 9:20 PM you could take a 20-minute hot bath.

At 9:40 PM, you could read 20 minutes of fiction to calm your mind.

Then at 10:00 PM, it's lights out so that you can fall asleep and stay asleep for eight hours. 


Trust Your Preparation and Let Your Performance Happen

Today is Performance Day. This is all about you.

Give yourself permission to focus completely on the opportunity. That way you'll be able to reach your potential with no doubts, worries or regrets.

Do everything in your power to give yourself the very best chance of success.


At 6 am wake up. Get out of bed within 5 minutes. Do not check email or look at a screen.


Instead of a hard workout, go for a walk (or do some light stretching).


Get hydrated. I love Lemon Ginger Tea on performance day:

•            1 Cup hot water

•            5 slices fresh peeled ginger

•            Juice from 1/2 lemon

Set your mind

Do a 5-minute meditation and then set your intentions for the day. What does a successful day look like? The mentally commit. Do not check email.


Have a healthy breakfast. Make sure to include healthy complex carbs that are high in fiber, some veggies and a healthy fat source like avocado or coconut. Refer to the Healthy Nutrition Plan.

Put on your uniform

Shower and get dressed. Wear power clothes that make you feel awesome. Note you may have clothes for travel to the event and then performance clothes you wear “on stage”.


Review performance once for < 5 minutes. 

Travel to location 

Use this time to be calm, cool and collected. Listen to great music to elevate your mood. Leave early so traffic or delays are not a factor.

Here we go!

90 minutes before performance: Snack. I like berries and nuts.

60 minutes before performance: Water and alone time. No distractions.

30 minutes before performance: Caffeine. Small cup coffee, black tea or herbal tea.

15 minutes before the performance: Activate your body and mind. Move your body, focus your mind, build your energy.

5 minutes before the performance: Psyche up or calm down as needed to get you into your ideal performance state. To psyche up think about outcomes. To calm down think about process.


Write the exam 

Do the interview 

Play the music 

Deliver the speech


Dominate your craft! Have fun and let me know how it goes.

Greg Wells PhD

For Dr. Greg Wells, health and performance, particularly under extreme conditions, are personal and professional obsessions. As a scientist and physiologist, he has dedicated his career to making the science of human limits understandable and actionable. Dr. Wells has spoken to audiences all over the world at events such as TEDx and The Titan Summit, where he has shared the stage with Robin Sharma, Richard Branson, Steve Wozniak and Deepak Chopra.

For over 25 years, Dr. Wells has worked with some of the highest-performing individuals on the planet, including Olympic and World champions, and with organizations ranging from General Electric to BMO, Deloitte, KPMG, BMW, Audi, Sysco Foods, YPO and Air Canada. He is also committed to inspiring children and young adults through his close working relationship with school boards and independent schools.

A veteran endurance athlete, Dr. Wells has participated in the grueling Nanisivik Marathon 600 miles north of the Arctic Circle, Ironman Canada and the Tour D’Afrique, an 11,000 km cycling race that is the longest in the world. He is also a travel and expedition adventurer who has journeyed through every imaginable terrain and conditions in over 50 countries around the world.

Dr. Wells is author of three best-selling books – Superbodies, The Ripple Effect, and The Focus Effect – and hosted the award-winning Superbodies series, which aired on Olympic broadcasts worldwide in 2010 and 2012.

Dr. Wells has a PhD in Physiology, served as an Associate Professor of Kinesiology at the University of Toronto and is an exercise medicine researcher at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.

He is the CEO and founder of The Wells Group, a global consulting firm committed to achieving the moonshot of helping teams, schools and businesses become places where people get healthy, perform optimally and ultimately - reach their potential.

Use Stress to Your Advantage


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