Eat Taylor Yorke Eat Taylor Yorke

The Link Between Happiness & Health

Happiness and health are highly correlated. Happy people tend to be healthier physically and have a lower risk of developing chronic diseases. A study on individuals with type 2 diabetes found that those who were happier had lower inflammatory markers, which might slow the progression of the disease. Happy people have also been shown to be more productive at work and there is even some research that suggests that happiness can improve mitochondrial health.

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Eat Taylor Yorke Eat Taylor Yorke

How Bad is Alcohol Really?

Everyone knows that alcohol isn’t exactly healthy. But how much is too much? Is having the occasional drink so bad. This week we’ll dive deeper into the effects of alcohol and how to limit your consumption in a “drinking encouraged” society.

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Move Taylor Yorke Move Taylor Yorke

Move your Body to Experience Joy

Physical activity is one of the most effective ways to stay mentally healthy. Exercise has been shown to increase circulating levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), stimulating the growth of new neurons and facilitating learning and memory. Walking has been shown to improve creativity and a single bout of exercise can boost mood. Even a small amount of physical activity can significantly reduce the risk of developing depression. When we exercise we just feel better.

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Recharge, Move Taylor Yorke Recharge, Move Taylor Yorke

Move your Body to Calm your Mind

In today’s world, the increased pace of life, high workload (both at work and at home), and pressure to succeed has led to a society in which we’re in a constant state of stress. The stress response is an evolutionary adaptation in response to an immediate threat, however, these days we are often stuck in a state of chronic stress.

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Recharge Taylor Yorke Recharge Taylor Yorke

The Power of Cold

Cold therapy has received a lot of attention over the past few years. Cold therapy is simply exposing your body to low temperatures, either through cold water immersion (cold tubs or ice baths), cryotherapy chambers (exposing yourself to freezing dry air for a few minutes), contrast therapy (alternating between hot and cold), or simply taking a cold shower.

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Eat Taylor Yorke Eat Taylor Yorke

Nuts and seeds keep you young

Nuts and seeds are an important part of a healthy diet. Nuts are the hard shelled “fruit” of certain plants and seeds are a small plant enclosed inside a seed coat. Both are a great source of healthy fats, protein, and fibre - the three main things we need to keep our blood sugar stabilized.

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Think, Recharge Taylor Yorke Think, Recharge Taylor Yorke

Meditation, White Matter & Aging

The benefits of mindfulness are far reaching - from decreasing stress, anxiety, and depression, to boosting focus, memory, problem solving. In addition to these functional benefits, there is also some evidence that mindfulness affects the structure of the brain. Studies have shown that meditation is associated with a higher concentration of grey matter in certain areas of the brain. However, the impact of mindfulness and meditation on white matter is less understood.

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Perform Taylor Yorke Perform Taylor Yorke

Frequently Asked Questions (Part 2)

Last year we dedicated a week to answering our most frequently asked questions and we received a lot of great feedback afterward. We get a lot of questions through live events, coaching, and our online courses, and we’d like to share these questions and answers with our entire community. We plan on doing this every few months to make sure that we’re keeping up with the demand. If you have any follow up questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible and include them in our next FAQ newsletter. Enjoy!

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Recharge, Think Taylor Yorke Recharge, Think Taylor Yorke

Overcoming Overwhelm and Burnout

Mental health has been the number one concern for people in our community over the past couple of years. With constantly changing lock downs and uncertainty, the pandemic has led to increased stress, anxiety, and feelings of overwhelm at levels that we haven’t seen before. Here are 10 tips for overcoming overwhelm and burnout.

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Sleep Taylor Yorke Sleep Taylor Yorke

Managing jet lag

The world is finally opening up which for many of us means finally hopping on a plane (maybe for the first time in two years!) to relax, recharge, and destress. Of course with travel comes jet lag, which if not managed properly, can make you feel awful and can be detrimental to your health. So how can you minimize these unpleasant symptoms so you can focus on what matters and actually enjoy your vacation?

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Think Taylor Yorke Think Taylor Yorke

The Power of Social Connection

Isolation and the lack of social connection over the past couple of years has had a huge toll on everyone’s mental health. It’s not a new discovery that humans are social creatures, however the pandemic has really highlighted how important being connected to one another is for our wellbeing.

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