Greg Wells PhD Greg Wells PhD

Unplug and Disconnect

Let’s focus on what we can do to thrive through a balanced relationship with technology. In your life, I’m guessing that doesn’t mean adding more technology time. Instead, my suggestion is to add some time to unplug and disconnect—so you can reconnect to your inner life and those that truly matter to you.

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Greg Wells PhD Greg Wells PhD

The Right Dose of Technology

We have never been more connected via technology, yet at the same time we have never been so far apart. This strange relationship between connection via our devices and loneliness is made even harder to navigate given that different people have different needs for connection and experience connection differently. Let me explain.

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Greg Wells PhD Greg Wells PhD

Why Phytonutrients Are Key for Recovery From Stress

Phytochemicals act as important antioxidants and induce hormesis—the adaptive stress-resistant process we are seeking to positively adapt to stress. These phytochemicals are potent free-radical scavengers and anti-inflammatory agents.

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Greg Wells PhD Greg Wells PhD

The Why and How of Healthy Fats

We all know that the macro-nutrients protein, carbohydrates and fats are all essential contributors to a healthy diet. To help you craft your nutrition plan, I want to remind you about adding healthy fats to your diet as fats still get a bad rap.

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Greg Wells PhD Greg Wells PhD

Find Calm in the Chaos

In the face of launching into a moment where you want to be your best, where you want to reach your peak, where you want to really reach your potential, there’s nothing harder than achieving a state of mental and emotional calm. And, in some ways, nothing more critical.

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Greg Wells PhD Greg Wells PhD

How You Can Experience The Runners’ High

When we remind ourselves that exercise just feels good, and that after we do our activities we are often happier, that can help us overcome the inertia of lying on the couch and get some momentum to get up and out the door for our run.

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Greg Wells PhD Greg Wells PhD

How Strength Training Builds Capacity for Life

Strength training leads to musculoskeletal fitness and can increase muscle mass and strength and improve body composition and bone health. All of which make your activities easier and more efficient.

Simply put – when we get strong, we can live better, and live longer!

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Greg Wells PhD Greg Wells PhD

The Best Exercise for Your Brain

A 2021 Harvard Health article adds to the mountain of scientific literature linking exercise and cognitive function and improved memory and thinking skills. Exercise boosts your memory and thinking skills by acting on both the body and on the brain.

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Greg Wells PhD Greg Wells PhD

Why Easy Workouts Are Just as Important

Doing even just a little bit of physical activity will have huge benefits for your physical and mental health. And the activity does not have to rank up your heart rate or lactic acid to have benefits.

Light physical activity can have some powerful benefits. Here are a few examples and ideas to support that concept.

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Greg Wells PhD Greg Wells PhD

3 Tactics to Defend Your Attention

In this era of unrelenting distraction, attention is one factor we can control that has a significant impact on our lives. Here are 3 steps you can take to help you control our attention so you can focus deeply and concentrate better.

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Greg Wells PhD Greg Wells PhD

6 Foods for Lowering Inflammation

Nutrition plays a key role in helping your body and brain to heal, repair, recover and regenerate via the inflammatory process. To help with that process, here are some ideas to help you spark your recovery and regeneration through food.

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Greg Wells PhD Greg Wells PhD

4 Tactics for Entering a Flow State

Flow is when we are energized, motivated, focused, happy, and able to perform at our best.

 It is an incredible experience. It is also difficult to replicate consistently - fortunately swimming with sharks is a rare occurence. Here are a few practices that can help you enter your flow state on demand.

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Greg Wells PhD Greg Wells PhD

3 Practices to Help You Find Calm in the Chaos

What I’ve observed is that elite performers can achieve a state of being where they can access their full potential especially when they are under pressure, tension and stress.

Simply put, they can find calm in the chaos.

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Greg Wells PhD Greg Wells PhD

Nutrition Tactics for Healthy High Performance

There is a key to helping us to shift from surviving to thriving. This is where we still experience stress, but we have practices in our days that help us to recover, recharge and positively adapt so that stress leads to growth rather than burnout.

One way to turn the key and unlock adaptation and growth is to use the foods that we eat to help us to heal and repair our bodies and brains. We can think of nutrition as healing.

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Greg Wells PhD Greg Wells PhD

Exercise For Your Mental Health

Optimizing our mental health is a challenge. I don’t think we should all be happy all the time, and experiencing life to the fullest can involve being happy, sad, excited, anxious or any one of many different moods and states.

The problem is when we experience chronic stress, anxiety or depression for extended periods of time without relief. 

Therefore, in today’s post I’m sharing ideas on how to use exercise and physical activities to improve your mental health.

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