Find joy in movement

As we’ve mentioned in previous blog posts, staying healthy is incredibly important during this time, both for your wellbeing and for the wellbeing of the people around you. Physical activity is one of the most effective ways to stay healthy - both physically and mentally. We know how important it is for preventing chronic disease, increasing focus and mental sharpness, and boosting performance.  


So why is it so hard to stick with it?

One of the biggest challenges when it comes to starting or maintaining an exercise routine is that people think of exercise as work. They think of it as something that they should do or that they have to do in order to stay healthy. The problem with this is that if they don’t find exercise enjoyable, they’re never going to stick with it. This leads to people feeling discouraged, and once they miss a workout or two, they lose momentum and fall back into sedentary habits.

It’s time to stop thinking of exercise as a workout, and start thinking of it as just doing something you enjoy! Exercise doesn’t have to be running on the treadmill for an hour or counting down the minutes until your workout class is finished. Exercise can be playing with your kids in the park, or meeting up with a friend to go for a bike ride. Or maybe you love those deep burn workout classes, in which case keep it up! 

The point is, you need to find out what you like. That’s the only way you’re going to stick with exercise in the long run.  

Yes, you should do aerobic, strength, and flexibility training in order to have optimal health and performance. But, as we’ve discussed with sleep, nutrition, and mental health practices, consistency is much more important. There’s no point in starting a workout routine that incorporates aerobic, strength, and flexibility training into your weekly schedule if you’re just going to abandon it the next week.    

Consistency is the key. And the key to consistency is finding out what you like.

What are we finding in the research?    

Last month, the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology released a report discussing the importance of continuing a regular fitness routine to maintain physical and mental health during the pandemic. They offer a few tips on how to keep up with a regular fitness routine SAFELY. Keep these tips in mind when you’re planning your activities this week!

  1. Use outdoor spaces such as trails, backyards, and driveways to get some physical activity while getting fresh air at the same time (provided it’s not too crowded). 

  2. Participate in online workout classes. There are many ways you can do this, from yoga classes on YouTube, to live workouts held on platforms such as Zoom or Instagram. If you like exercising in a group setting, get your friends or family members to join you!

  3. Take micro breaks throughout the day such as a quick walk to get the blood flowing and clear your head. 

Check out this link to read the full article!


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